ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit
Choose Option 1, 2 or 3
*out of stock
Shelley has discovered a quick and easy way to create painted hair using the Pan Pastels.
Hair Shadow Painting kit with Pan Pastel. An alternative method for painted hair, Printed Instructions are included in this kit
PLEASE note you MUST choose which option of colors you wold like.
Burnt Sienna Tint
Raw Umber
Colorless Blender
Burnt Sienna Extra Dark
Burnt Sienna Shade
Yellow Ochre Tint
Colorless Blender
Option 3:
Raw Umber Tint
Raw Umber Extra Dark
Colorless Blender
Her instructions are thorough and EASY to follow.
Tutorial is inlucded witt the complete kit.
Individual Panpastel colors can be found HERE
Our individual Paint Brushes and sets can be found HERE