PanPastel Sofft Tools - Knives and Covers Set
PanPastel Sofft Tools - Knives and Covers Set
Sofft tools have been specifically developed for use with PanPastel soft pastels. Versatile, inexpensive, and reusable, these tools can also be used with most water-based art and craft materials to create exciting new techniques, marks, and effects.
Sofft has transformed the traditional painting knife into a multi-use and absorbent applicator for art and craft techniques. When used with Sofft Covers, these inexpensive tools function like a cross between a brush and a knife. Each ergonomically designed knife fits in the hand for ease of use and good control. Sofft Knives are made of a flexible, durable plastic material, with handles that are shaped like traditional wooden handled knives for maximum comfort. Knives can also be used without Sofft Covers as traditional painting knives. Each of the four Sofft knives — No. 1 Round, No. 2 Flat, No. 3 Oval, and No. 4 Point — has a Sofft Cover specially designed to fit it.