Cindy Musgrove
I have six children and 14 grandchildren that inspire me with each new addition to the family! I have a loving husband of 33 years, which I am so thankful for every day.
I have a deep passion for my art and want to always push myself to strive for as much realism as possible with every doll or art piece. I do not have a formal degree, I am a self taught Artist and personally love discovering how to make something and seeing it come to life from my own imagination.
Although I have been in love with art all my life, I discovered sculpting with polymer clay (clay that hardens only after baking it) in the 80's, but didn't get serious about it for life size sculpts till 2005. I have sculpted for Masterpiece Doll and Bountiful Baby, doing one of a kind sculpts and now Producing them for myself as vinyl kits
A Manor Elf ~ Beesley Elf by Cindy Musgrove
Beesley Elf by Cindy Musgrove
12" UNFINISHED Doll Kit w 3/4 Limbs
A Manor Elf ~ Bipsey Elf by Cindy Musgrove
Bipsey Elf by Cindy Musgrove
12" UNFINISHED Doll Kit w 3/4 Limbs
A Manor Elf ~ Posie by Cindy Musgrove ~ SOLD OUT
Posie by Cindy Musgrove ~ SOLD OUT
A Manor Elf ~ Primsley by Cindy Musgrove
Primsley Manor Elf by Cindy Musgrove
29" UNFINISHED Manor Elf Doll Kit
A Manor Elf ~ Tinky by Cindy Musgrove ~ OUT OF STOCK
Tinky by Cindy Musgrove
17" UNFINISHED Elf Doll Kit w Full Limbs
A Manor Elf ~ Tobby by Cindy Musgrove ~ SOLD OUT
Tobby by Cindy Musgrove ~ SOLD OUT
Angelina by Cindy Musgrove
Angelina by Cindy Musgrove
Moving Sale
18" UNFINISHED Doll Kit w 3/4 arms & full legs
Caspian by Cindy Musgrove
Caspian by Cindy Musgrove
12" UNFINISHED Vinyl Squid Kit
Colliope by Cindy Musgrove
Colliope by Cindy Musgrove
10.5" UNFINISHED Vinyl Sqidling Kit
5 piece, head, arms, tail & torso
Emilee by Cindy Musgrove
Emilee by Cindy Musgrove
Sale Price
19" UNFINISHED Doll Kit ~ Full Limbs
Fei Yen by Cindy Musgrove~Sold Out
Fei Yen by Cindy Musgrove
Jingle by Cindy Musgrove
Jingle by Cindy Musgrove
20" UNFINISHED Doll Kits w Full Limbs
Jolly by Cindy Musgrove
Jolly by Cindy Musgrove
20" UNFINISHED Doll Kits w Full Limbs
Kiwi the Turtle by Cindy Musgrove ~ SOLD OUT
Kiwi by Cindy Musgrove ~ SOLD OUT
Pandora the Batling by Cindy Musgrove
Pandora the Batling by Cindy Musgrove
7" UNFINISHED Batling Doll Kit
Princess Atlantyss by Cindy Musgrove
Atlantyss by Cindy Musgrove
20" UNFINISHED Vinyl Seahorse Kit
5 blank vinyl parts, head, arms, tail & torso