Fantasy Doll Kits
Zodi Fairy by Marita Winters ~ TEMP OUT OF STOCK
Zodi Fairy by Marita Winters
10" UNFINISHED Fairy Doll Kit w Full Limbs
Mini Fairy Petunia by Marita Winters
Mini Fairy Petunia by Marita Winters
10" UNFINISHED Doll Kit w Full Limbs
Shasta by Marita Winters
Shasta by Marita Winters
8-9" UNFINISHED Fairy Doll Kit w Full Limbs
x Draken the Dragon by Sarah Mellman
Draken the Dragon by Sarah Mellman ~ Clearance
22" + Tail UNFINISHED Dragon Kit
15" Wing Span ~ Full Limbs
A Woodland Elf Flynn by Laura Lee Eagles
Woodland Elf Flynn by Laura Lee Eagles
17" UNFINISHED Elf Doll Kit
w Full Limbs
A Manor Elf ~ Bipsey Elf by Cindy Musgrove
Bipsey Elf by Cindy Musgrove
12" UNFINISHED Doll Kit w 3/4 Limbs
A Manor Elf ~ Beesley Elf by Cindy Musgrove
Beesley Elf by Cindy Musgrove
12" UNFINISHED Doll Kit w 3/4 Limbs
A Manor Elf ~ Tinky by Cindy Musgrove ~ OUT OF STOCK
Tinky by Cindy Musgrove
17" UNFINISHED Elf Doll Kit w Full Limbs
x Tully the Browny by Lauren Jaimes
Tully the Browny by Lauren Jaimes
10-11" UNFINISHED Doll Kit w Full Limbs
x Shellden the Snail by Sarah Mellman
Shellden the Snail by Sarah Mellman
9" UNPAINTED Vinyl Kit
Lucian by Simon Laurens
Lucian by Simon Laurens
20" Hybrid UNFINISHED Doll Kit w 3/4 Limbs
Pearl Mermaid by Shawna Clymer
Pearl Mermaid by Shawna Clymer
21" UNFINISHED Mermaid Doll Kit-Full Arm & Full Tail
Princess Atlantyss by Cindy Musgrove
Atlantyss by Cindy Musgrove
20" UNFINISHED Vinyl Seahorse Kit
5 blank vinyl parts, head, arms, tail & torso
Pandora the Batling by Cindy Musgrove
Pandora the Batling by Cindy Musgrove
7" UNFINISHED Batling Doll Kit
Colliope by Cindy Musgrove
Colliope by Cindy Musgrove
10.5" UNFINISHED Vinyl Sqidling Kit
5 piece, head, arms, tail & torso
Carita Amigos ~ Margot, Agnes & Edith
Carita Amigos ~ Margot, Agnes & Edith
Clearance~50% OFF
10-12" FINISHED Doll Kits
3/4 Limbs