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ALL KITS in this section were Limited Edition

and completely SOLD OUT

They will NEVER be restocked again. 

SOLD OUT Editions

Results 609 - 624 of 645

Uriel by Priscilla Lopes

Uriel by Priscilla Lopes
Sold Out at MacPherson's

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Vanessa by Regina Swialkowski ~ SOLD OUT

Vanessa by Regina Swialkowski -RSwialkowski ~ SOLD OUT

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Veilig by Regina Swialkowski ~ SOLD OUT

Veilige~ Safe by Regina Swialkowski ~ SOLD OUT

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Vincent by Laura Tuzio Ross ~ SOLD OUT

Vincent by Laura Tuzio Ross ~ SOLD OUT

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Vinyl Egg by Charlotte Webb

Vinyl Egg by Charlotte Webb
UNFINISHED Egg Shell used as a wonderful accent or prop

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Violet Fairy by Shawna Clymer ~ SOLD OUT

Violet Fairy by Shawna Clymer ~ SOLD OUT

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Vlad by Noemi Smith ~ SOLD OUT

Vlad by Noemi Smith ~ SOLD OUT

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Results 609 - 624 of 645 does NOT sell any Illegal or Counterfeit Doll Kits
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