ALL KITS in this section were Limited Edition
and completely SOLD OUT.
They will NEVER be restocked again.
SOLD OUT Editions
x Hugo the Baby Dragon by Sarah Mellman ~ SOLD OUT
Hugo the Baby Dragon by Sarah Mellman ~ SOLD OUT
x Hans by Marjoline Barge ~ SOLD OUT
Hans by Marjoline Barge ~ SOLD OUT
x Farnus the Satyr by Noemi Smith ~ SOLD OUT
Farnus the Satyr by Noemi Smith ~ SOLD OUT
x Elfling Destiny by Sherri Williams ~ SOLD OUT
Elfling Destiny by Sherri Williams ~ SOLD OUT
Wolke by Karola Wegerich ~ SOLD OUT
Wolke by Karola Wegerich ~ SOLD OUT
Willa by Cassie Brace ~ SOLD OUT
Willa by Cassie Brace ~ SOLD OUT
Wilby by Cassie Brace ~ SOLD OUT
Wilby by Cassie Brace ~ SOLD OUT
Wandon by Cassia Robini Pimenta
Wandon by Cassia Robini Pimenta
SOLD OUT at MacPherson's
Vlad by Noemi Smith ~ SOLD OUT
Vlad by Noemi Smith ~ SOLD OUT
Violet Fairy by Shawna Clymer ~ SOLD OUT
Violet Fairy by Shawna Clymer ~ SOLD OUT
Violet by Jannie de Lange ~ SOLD OUT
Violet by Jannie de Lange ~ SOLD OUT
Vinyl Egg by Charlotte Webb
Vinyl Egg by Charlotte Webb
UNFINISHED Egg Shell used as a wonderful accent or prop
Vincent by Laura Tuzio Ross ~ SOLD OUT
Vincent by Laura Tuzio Ross ~ SOLD OUT
Vicky by Menna Hartog ~ SOLD OUT
Vicky by Menna Hartog -PT ~ SOLD OUT
Veilig by Regina Swialkowski ~ SOLD OUT
Veilige~ Safe by Regina Swialkowski ~ SOLD OUT