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While MacPherson Arts & Crafts is a Canadian based company the majority of our business is international.

That plus the fact that our e-commerce gateway requires the use of a single currency, the US dollar is the logical choice.

The present high exchange rates creates a disadvantage to our Canadian customers.  We are therefor offering free shipping on all orders OVER $100USD and are also paying all Federal and Provincial sales taxes.

PLEASE NOTE:  Orders UNDER the $100USD threshold, will be charged shipping fees on your selected payment method e.g. Credit Card or Paypal Invoice.

This policy is subject to change in line with adjustments to exchange rates.

I hope this helps to explain our decision to sell in US dollars and if you have any more questions or concerns please do not hesitate to leave us a message at 1-800-238-6663 or contact us via our Help Desk HERE

Thank you very much for your understanding and please know that your business does mean the world to us!! We truly value each and every one of you!
hUgs Brenda and all the MAC girls :-)
