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jordan barder shopHaving a good name in business under the locals, this young man was in need of a steam cleanser to extend his business to include facials. Due to the instability in the region, global investors has been non existent for decades and most businesses has no means to get assistance. This loan helped him accomplish his goal and he believes that this steam cleanser will grow his clientele and income.


Jordan is part of Western Asia. Known by its official name, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, this country is located on the East Bank of the Jordan River, hence its name. Many young people in Jordan are vulnerable to high-risk behaviour, including substance abuse, unhealthy nutrition, and reckless traffic behaviour. The rate of smoking among youth is increasing, with rates reaching 34.1% for male and 19.4% for female youth. The country also has a poor climate, which contributes significantly to its high rates of poverty. Since the onset of the Syrian conflict, Jordan has welcomed over 670,000 Syrian refugees. Four out of five Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban areas—majority under poverty - placing the country under significant strain. Women and children are at greater risks of experiencing violence.
