1. Where are you from and where do you live now?
Brasil. Arujá SP
2. Have you always been interested in dolls?
I became interested a little while
3. When did you first become interested in sculpting?
In 2013 more precisely.
4. How did you first encounter reborn dolls?
On the internet, shortly after meeting the baby miniatures.
5. Have you sculpted dolls from the time you started sculpting, or
did you start off with something else?
Yes. From the moment I discovered them.
6. How long have you been sculpting?
6 years
7. What medium do you use to sculpt your babies with?
Sticks and brushes made of silicon, polymer, and aluminum foil to create the face.
8. What inspires & motivates you to sculpt?
Inspiration is instantaneous. There are more productive days and other less productive days. But pictures of babies inspire me.
9. Do you sculpt full time & do you have other hobbies?
I do not sculpt full time. Any other manual work becomes hobby and challenging.
10. Do you only sculpt for kit production or do you do custom ~
portrait orders too?
For production of kit, and miniatures of babies. I love them to do.
11. When did your first kit come out and what was the baby's name?
12. How many kits have you produced to date?
6 kits
13. Do you have a list of names of all of your kits you have
produced as we would love to have an archive directory for your sculpts?
No, they are random names.
14. Which baby of yours has been your all time favorite and why?
Mireya. I think I'm learning a lot with mistakes from previous kits, and Mireya has been my best until today.
15. Do you plan to continue sculpting babies for kits?
16. How do you feel about the reborn doll industry? What excites
you and what upsets you?
I hope they continue to manufacture. What bothers me is not having such easy access for some countries.
17. How do you feel about the progression of the art of reborning
over the past 10 years?
It's wonderful to have art, I've seen little about being reborn, but it keeps on growing.
18. Do you think that this industry has a long term future or do
you think its just a fad that will blow over?
I believe it to be long term.
19.What are your plans and hopes for the future?
Continue to carve kit are my plans. And I hope that art does not die, that all will fight for it to continue to grow and strengthen.
20. Do you have something new in the works?
Some kits soon. And for 2020, silicone miniatures, an old desire.