This webpage describes a product available in our e-shop. This document was created according to the Markdown scheme, which is also used in llms.txt # ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit Shelley has discovered a quick and easy way to create painted hair using the Pan Pastels. Hair Shadow Painting kit with Pan Pastel. An alternative method for painted hair, Printed Instructions are included in this kit PLEASE note you MUST choose which option of colors you wold like. OPTION 1: Burnt Sienna Tint Black Raw Umber Colorless Blender OPTION 2: Burnt Sienna Extra Dark Burnt Sienna Shade Yellow Ochre Tint Colorless Blender Option 3: Raw Umber Tint Black Raw Umber Extra Dark Colorless Blender Her instructions are thorough and EASY to follow. Tutorial is inlucded witt the complete kit. Individual Panpastel colors can be found HERE Our individual Paint Brushes and sets can be found HERE ## Product prices ## Product image links 1. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( 2. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( 3. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( 4. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( 5. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( 6. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( 7. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( 8. [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( ## Link to this product [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( ## Product attributes Video: kk_youtube ## Product's categories ### Tutorials & How To Kits > Reborn Dolls > Reborn Starter Kits [Reborn Starter Kits]( ### RebornFX Products > ReBornFX Air Dry Sets ### ### To see our FREE ReBornFX Tutorials ### CLICK HERE [ReBornFX Air Dry Sets]( ### Paint Supplies > ReBornFX Air Dry Sets [ReBornFX Air Dry Sets]( ### Paint Supplies > PanPastel Products > PanPastel Starter Kits [PanPastel Starter Kits]( ### Hair Rooting & Painting Supplies > Hair Painting [Hair Painting]( ## Product variants, stock availability, and prices ### ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit [ReBornFX Hair Shadow Starter Kit]( URL of this product variant